The basic SIP_xde (Susceptible-Infected-Prophylaxis) human model model fulfills the generic interface of the human population component. It is a reasonable first complication of the SIS human model. This requires two new parameters, ρ\rho, the probability a new infection is treated, and η\eta the duration of chemoprophylaxis following treatment. XX remains a column vector giving the number of infectious individuals in each strata, and PP the number of treated and protected individuals.

Differential Equations

The equations are formulated around the FoI, hh. Under the default model, we get the relationship h=bEh = b E, where EE is the daily EIR:

dIdt=h(1ρ)(HIP)(r+ξ)I \frac{dI}{dt} = h (1-\rho) (H-I-P) - (r+\xi)I

dPdt=hρ(HIP)+ξ(HP)ηP \frac{dP}{dt} = h \rho \cdot (H-I-P) + \xi(H-P) - \eta P

Equilibrium solutions

We can compute the steady states as a function of the FoI, hh:

I=Hhη(1ρ)(h+r+ξ)(η+ξ)+h(rη)ρ \bar I = H \frac{h \eta (1-\rho)}{(h+r+\xi)(\eta+\xi) +h(r-\eta)\rho} and

P=Hξ(h+r+ξ)+hrρ(h+r+ξ)(η+ξ)+h(rη)ρ \bar P = H\frac{\xi(h+r+\xi) + hr\rho}{(h+r+\xi)(\eta+\xi) +h(r-\eta)\rho} and S=HIP\bar S = H - \bar I - \bar P


Here we run a simple example with 3 population strata at equilibrium. We use ramp.xds::make_parameters_X_SIP_xde to set up parameters. Please note that this only runs the human population component and that most users should read our fully worked example to run a full simulation.

We use the null (constant) model of human demography (HH constant for all time).

The Long Way

nStrata <- 3
H <- c(100, 500, 250)
nPatches <- 3
residence <- 1:3 
params <- make_xds_template("ode", "human", nPatches, 1, residence) 
b <- 0.55
c <- 0.15
r <- 1/200
eta <- c(1/30, 1/40, 1/35)
rho <- c(0.05, 0.1, 0.15)
xi <- rep(0, 3)
Xo = list(b=b,c=c,r=r,eta=eta,rho=rho,xi=xi)
class(Xo) <- "SIP"
eir <- 2/365
xde_steady_state_X(eir*b, H, Xo) ->ss
#> $S
#> [1]  63.40658 321.64258 163.59643
#> $I
#> [1]  36.30678 174.48008  83.81516
#> $P
#> [1] 0.2866325 3.8773352 2.5884093
Xo$I <- ss$I
Xo$P <- ss$P
params = make_Xpar("SIP", params, 1, Xo) 
params = make_Xinits(params, H, 1, Xo)
MYZo = list(
  MYZm = eir*H
params = make_MYZpar("trivial", params, 1, MYZo)
params = make_MYZinits(params, 1)
params <- setup_Hpar_static(params, 1)
params = make_Lpar("trivial", params, 1)
params = make_Linits(params, 1)
params = make_indices(params)
xde_steady_state_X(eir*b, H, params$Xpar[[1]])
#> $S
#> [1]  63.40658 321.64258 163.59643
#> $I
#> [1]  36.30678 174.48008  83.81516
#> $P
#> [1] 0.2866325 3.8773352 2.5884093
y0 <- as.vector(unlist(get_inits(params)))
out <- deSolve::ode(y = y0, times = c(0, 365), xde_derivatives, parms= params, method = 'lsoda') 
out1<- out
colnames(out)[params$ix$X[[1]]$S_ix+1] <- paste0('S_', 1:params$nStrata)
colnames(out)[params$ix$X[[1]]$I_ix+1] <- paste0('I_', 1:params$nStrata)
colnames(out)[params$ix$X[[1]]$P_ix+1] <- paste0('P_', 1:params$nStrata)

out <-
out <- melt(out, id.vars = 'time')
out[, c("Component", "Strata") := tstrsplit(variable, '_', fixed = TRUE)]
out[, variable := NULL]

ggplot(data = out, mapping = aes(x = time, y = value, color = Strata)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(. ~ Component, scales = 'free') +

Using Setup

xds_setup_human(Xname="SIP", nPatches=3, residence = 1:3, HPop=H, Xopts = Xo, MYZopts = MYZo) -> test_SIP_xde
xds_solve(test_SIP_xde, 365, 365)$outputs$orbits$deout -> out2
#> logical(0)