Macdonald's Model
A Delay Differential Equation for Adult Mosquito Infection Dynamics
This module called macdonald
was included in
for historical reasons. In this
form, the model is difficult to extend because of problems formulating
the delay. The model, as presented here, has fixed parameter values. It
can not be extended with forcing. To address these problems, we
have developed a fully extensible delay differential equation model that
extends macdonald,
the generalized, non-autonomous
Ross-Macdonald module GeRM.
Differential Equations
Macdonald’s Model
Macdonald’s model for the sporozoite rate, published in 19521 has played an important role in studies of malaria. Later that same year, Macdonald introduced a formula for the basic reproductive rate, now called 2 Macdonald gives credit to his colleague Armitage for the mathematics. Armitage’s paper would be published the next year,3 but that paper does not present the model as a system of differential equations.
A simple system of differential equations that is consistent with Macdonald’s model for the sporozoite rate has three parameters and one term:
the human blood feeding rate,
the extrinsic incubation period,
the mosquito death rate, ; or the probability of surviving one day, , so
the fraction of bites on humans that infect a mosquito,
denote the fraction of mosquitoes that are infected. The dynamics are
given by:
denote the fraction of mosquitoes that are infectious. The model is a
delay differential equation. Let
denote the value of
at time
If the parameters and terms are constant, then:
The model has a steady state for the fraction infected:
The fraction infectious, also called the sporozoite rate, is
Macdonald used
so his formula was:
To generate the formula for Macdonald introduces another variable and three additional parameters:
the ratio of mosquitoes to humans,
the rate infections clear,
the fraction of infectious bites that infect a human,
The fraction of infected and infectious humans, is given by the equation:
and the model assumes that The formula for in this system is: In this form, the model is difficult to use or extend.
Aron & May
The mosquito module in ramp.xds
is based on a model first published in 1982 by
Joan Aron and Robert May4. It includes state variables for total
mosquito density
infected mosquito density
and infectious mosquito density
In this model, the blood feeding rate is split into an overall blood
feeding rate,
and the human fraction,
such that
The Aron & May’s equations are:
Delay Differential Equations
The module called macdonald
has been extended beyond the
Aron & May formulation to include spatial dynamics and parity. To
formulate the spatial model, a spatial domain is sub-divided into a set
of patches. Variable and parameter names do not change, but they can now
represent vectors of length
To formulate the demographic matrix, denoted
that describes mosquito mortality, emigration, and other loss from the
system. We let
denote the emigration rate and $\cal K$
the mosquito dispersal matrix. We also introduce a parameter,
to model the fraction of mosquitoes that are lost to emigration from
each patch. $$\Omega = \mbox{diag}
\left(g\right) + \left(\mbox{diag} \left(1-\mu\right) - \cal K\right)
\cdot \mbox{diag} \left(\sigma\right)
Ordinary Differential Equations
We note that the module SI
provides a reasonably simple
approximating model that has no delay, but in computing
it includes mortality and dispersal that would have occurred during the
The implementation of SI
is similar in spirit to the simple model presented in Smith &
McKenzie (2004)5. in that mortality and dispersal over the
EIP is accounted for, but the time lag is not. While transient dynamics
of the ODE model will not equal the DDE model, they have the same
equilibrium values, and so for numerical work requiring finding
equilibrium points, the faster ODE model can be safely substituted.
Equilibrium solutions
There are two logical ways to begin solving the non-trivial equilibrium. The first assumes is known, which implies good knowledge of mosquito ecology. The second assumes is known, which implies knowledge of the biting rate on the human population. We show both below.
Here we show an example of starting and solving a model at equilibrium. Please note that this only runs this adult mosquito model and that most users should read our fully worked example to run a full simulation.
The long way
Here we set up some parameters for a simulation with 3 patches.
HPop = rep(1, 3)
nPatches <- 3
f <- rep(0.3, nPatches)
q <- rep(0.9, nPatches)
g <- rep(1/20, nPatches)
sigma <- rep(1/10, nPatches)
mu <- rep(0, nPatches)
eip <- 12
nu <- 1/2
eggsPerBatch <- 30
MYZo = list(f=f,q=q,g=g,sigma=sigma,mu=mu,eip=eip,nu=nu,eggsPerBatch=eggsPerBatch)
calK <- matrix(0, nPatches, nPatches)
calK[1, 2:3] <- c(0.2, 0.8)
calK[2, c(1,3)] <- c(0.5, 0.5)
calK[3, 1:2] <- c(0.7, 0.3)
calK <- t(calK)
Omega <- compute_Omega_xde(g, sigma, mu, calK)
Upsilon <- expm::expm(-Omega * eip)
Now we set up the parameter environment with the correct class using
noting that we will
be solving as an ode.
Now we set the values of and and solve for the equilibrium values.
Omega_inv <- solve(Omega)
M_eq <- as.vector(Omega_inv %*% Lambda)
P_eq <- as.vector(solve(diag(f, nPatches) + Omega) %*% diag(f, nPatches) %*% M_eq)
Y_eq <- as.vector(solve(diag(f*q*kappa) + Omega) %*% diag(f*q*kappa) %*% M_eq)
Z_eq <- as.vector(Omega_inv %*% Upsilon %*% diag(f*q*kappa) %*% (M_eq - Y_eq))
We use ramp.xds::make_inits_MYZ_RM_xde
to store the
initial values. These equations have been implemented to compute
dynamically, so we attach Upsilon
as initial values:
params <- make_xds_template("dde", "mosy", nPatches, 1:3, 1:3)
params <- setup_MYZpar("macdonald", params, 1, MYZo)
params <- setup_MYZinits(params, 1, MYZo)
params <- setup_Xpar("trivial", params, 1, Xo)
params <- setup_Xinits(params, HPop, 1)
params <- setup_Lpar("trivial", params, 1, Lo)
params <- setup_Linits(params, 1, Lo)
params <- setup_Hpar_static(params, 1)
We set the indices with ramp.xds::make_indices
params = make_indices(params)
params <- change_calK(calK, params, 1)
params$Lambda[[1]] = Lambda
params$kappa[[1]] = kappa
Then we can set up the initial conditions vector and use
to solve the model. Normally these values
would be computed within ramp.xds::xDE_diffeqn
. Here, we
set up a local version:
y0 = get_MYZinits(params, 1)
y0 = as.vector(unlist(y0))
params <- MBionomics(0,y0,params, 1)
dMYZdt_local = func=function(t, y, pars) {
list(dMYZdt(t, y, pars, 1))
out <- deSolve::dede(y = y0, times = 0:50, dMYZdt_local, parms=params,
method = 'lsoda')
out1 <- out
The output is plotted below. The flat lines shown here is a verification that the steady state solutions that we computed above match the steady states computed by solving the equations:
out = out[, 1:13]
colnames(out)[params$MYZpar$M_ix+1] <- paste0('M_', 1:params$nPatches)
colnames(out)[params$MYZpar$P_ix+1] <- paste0('P_', 1:params$nPatches)
colnames(out)[params$MYZpar$Y_ix+1] <- paste0('Y_', 1:params$nPatches)
colnames(out)[params$MYZpar$Z_ix+1] <- paste0('Z_', 1:params$nPatches)
out <-
out <- melt(out, id.vars = 'time')
out[, c("Component", "Patch") := tstrsplit(variable, '_', fixed = TRUE)]
out[, variable := NULL]
ggplot(data = out, mapping = aes(x = time, y = value, color = Patch)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(. ~ Component, scales = 'free') +
Setup Utilities
In the vignette above, we set up a function to solve the differential
equation. We hope this helps the end user to understand how
works under the hood, but the point of
is to lower the costs of building, analyzing, and
using models. The functionality in ramp.xds
can handle this
case – we can set up and solve the same model using built-in setup
utilities. Learning to use these utilities makes it very easy to set up
other models without having to learn some internals.
To set up a model with the parameters above, we make three list with the named parameters and their values. We also attach to the list the initial values we want to use, if applicable. For the Ross-Macdonald adult mosquito model, we attach the parameter values:
Each one of the dynamical components has a configurable
trivial algorithm that computes no derivatives, but passes its
output as a parameter (see human-trivial.R
. To configure
we attach the values of kappa
to a
Similarly, we configure the trivial algorithm for aquatic
mosquitoes (see aquatic-trivial.R
To set up the model, we call xds_setup
is set to 3MYZname
is set to “macdonald” to run the Ross-Macdonald model for adult mosquitoes; to pass our options, we writeMYZopts = MYZo
; and finally, the dispersal matrixcalK
is passed ascalK=calK
is set to “trivial” to run the trivial module for human infection dynamicsLname
is set to “trivial” to run the trivial module aquatic mosquitoes
Otherwise, setup takes care of all the internals:
xds_setup(MYZname = "macdonald", Xname = "trivial", Lname = "trivial",
nPatches=3, calK=calK, membership = c(1:3),
residence = c(1:3), HPop = HPop,
MYZopts = MYZo, Xopts = Xo, Lopts = Lo) -> MYZeg
Now, we can solve the equations using xds_solve
compare the output to what we got above. If they are identical, the two
objects should be identical, so can simply add the absolute value of
their differences: