As part of the plug-and-play modular design for ramp.xds, each dynamical component includes a trivial model that has no variables. The outputs required by other components are passed as a trace function. These trace functions have three parts:

  • a mean value, or a scaling argument

  • a function that returns a F_seasonal signal, configured with a line in the appropriate options list, F_season = function(t){...}

  • a function that returns a F_trend, configured with a line in the appropriate options list, F_trend = function(t){...}

The trivial modules each returns different values:

  • $\cal L$ - The trivial aquatic module is set up by create_Lpar_trivial. The function F_emerge() returns Lambda*F_season(t)*F_trend(t). To override the defaults, Lopts must be a named list that sets the values of the elements:

    • Lambda = c(...) is the

    • F_season = function(t){...}

    • F_trend = function(t){...}

  • $\cal MYZ$ - The trivial adult mosquito module is setup by create_MYZpar_trivial. The values will return either F_fqZ or F_eggs

    • Both F_fqZ and F_eggs use the same seasonality and trend functions:

      • F_season = function(t){...}

      • F_trend = function(t){...}

    • the function F_fqZ() returns f*q*Z*F_season(t)*F_trend(t). To configure, MYZopts should be a named list that sets the values of the elements:

      • f = c(...)

      • q = c(...)

      • Z = c(...)

    • the function F_eggs() returns eggs*F_season(t)*F_trend(t); to override the defaults, MYZopts must be a named list that sets the values of the elements:

      • eggs = c(...)
  • $\cal X$ - The trivial module for human / host infection and immunity is set up by create_Xpar_trivial. F_X calls F_H and then returns H*kappa*F_season(t)*F_trend(t)

    • F_H is configured in xds_setup by passing HPop = ...

    • To configure F_X, Xopts must be a named list that sets the values of the elements. The values of F_X should be in the interval [0,H]:[0,H]:

      • kappa = c(...)

      • F_season = function(t){...}

      • F_trend = function(t){...}


The following adult mosquito model is forced by emergence and net infectiousness:

  • Lo configures the adult mosquito emergence rate to rise initially, but then to decline with a F_seasonal signal:
Lo = list(F_season = function(t){1+sin(2*pi*t/365)}, 
          F_trend = function(t){(1+t/250)*exp(-t/1000)}, 
          Lambda =5)
  • Xo configures the net infectiousness to rise to 80% over time.
Xo = list(kappa = 0.8, 
          F_trend = function(t){exp(t/500)/(10+exp(t/500))})
rm = xds_setup(Xname = "trivial", Xopts = Xo, HPop=10, 
               Lname = "trivial", Lopts = Lo)
rm <- xds_solve(rm, 3650, dt=10)
xds_plot_Y(rm, add=T)
xds_plot_Z(rm, add=T)