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This vignette gives a high-level overview of ramp.xds internals.

The software design implements the mathematical framework described in Spatial Dynamics of Malaria Transmission.


A goal for ramp.xds was to lower the costs, in terms of human time and capital, of developing models that are realistic enough to support decisions affecting malaria policies. An operating assumption for developing this framework and software has been that robust decision support for malaria policies would put demands on model-building that often differ from what is expected from a scientific publication. For models to work in a policy setting, they must be realistic enough to be relevant to the policy discussions.

This need for realism in models drove development of malaria models as funding flowed into malaria in the development goals era. The need for realism and practical ways of dealing with the associated computational complexity drove the development of several comprehensive individual-based models (IBMs), such as OpenMalaria, eMod, and MalariaTools. While IBMs have some advantages, they also have some disadvantages, including the high costs of using them. We thus sought to develop software that could handle enough computational complexity to address the needs of malaria programs. One advantage of using systems of differential equations is that they are much easier to analyze.

Cost savings would come in time spent formulating, coding, verifying, debugging, & applying these models.

Scaling Complexity

Among the most important questions for modeling is what level of complexity is appropriate for various different kinds of analysis. Given our interest in adaptive malaria control, we wanted to be able to conduct studies that could address questions about the value of gathering new data about features of local malaria transmission in a place. In developing this framework we thus wanted the capability of building simple models models and then adding realism through elaboration.

Good models built to purpose would be – as Einstein suggested – as simple as possible, but no simpler. While most people would agree with Einstein in principle, he provided no usable advice about how to do this. How would you know a model had the right level of complexity? One way is to develop at least one model that is clearly too complex and then to provide some rigorous model selection on a suite of models of varying levels of complexity. How could we ever know that we had build a model that was at the right level of complexity if we had never developed a model that had demonstrably gone too far?

We thus wanted a framework that could build simple models, models with potentially unbounded realism and complexity, and a large set of models in between. In other words, we wanted the capability of scaling complexity. The kinds of realism we imagined included:

  • realistic human demography, including age structure, births & deaths, and migration;

  • human population heterogeneity, including differences in care seeking or any heterogeneous trait that was relevant for malaria epidemiology or transmission;

  • multiple host and vector species or types;

  • spatial heterogeneity and spatial dynamics, including human mobility and mosquito dispersal, indoor and outdoor spaces, malaria importation, and mosquito migration.

  • realistic mosquito ecology with exogenous forcing by weather and other factors;

  • integrated vector control and interventions delivered through health systems;

At the same time, we wanted to have the flexibility to isolate and analyze various components of the model. Since the framework is modular, it should be possible to pass the inputs to one (or more) of the dynamical components from a trivial function, rather than from a fully coupled model. These trivial models also provide one way of rigorously pressure testing the software and verifying the code.

We think of models as having a defined skill set, or output variables that naturally represent a subset of quantities that would be predicted by a model. The framework should make it easy to build models that have the right subset of features, including a set of dynamical components with skill sets that were up to any task.

Nimble Model Building and Modularity

To support decisions affecting malaria policy, model building must be nimble. As malaria programs integrate sophisticated analytics into their decision-making, the conversation in a room can shift. Over time, programmatic priorities and needs can change. To keep up, the model builders ought to have the capability of building new models that could address the new concerns. While this might not be possible to do in real time, it should be possible to have a new model developed with preliminary results within a week or so.

With these goals in mind, we developed a mathematical framework that could make computation for dynamical systems modular. The mathematical basis for modularity was described in Spatial Dynamics of Malaria Transmission. (Also, see the related vignettes on modular forms and modularity.)

We identified five kinds of processes grouped into three inseparable chunks, the core dynamical components. The chunks represented five distinct processes:

  • $\cal XH$ - Human demography and parasite infection dynamics, including immunity and disease, diagnostics and treatment,

    • $\cal X$ - The dynamical process describing the dynamics of human infection and immunity

    • $\cal H$ - A dynamical model describing human demography

  • $\cal MYZ$ - Adult mosquito ecology and behavior, and parasite infection dynamics

    • $\cal M$ - The model for adult mosquito ecology

    • $\cal YZ$ - The model for adult mosquito infection dynmics, consistent with $\cal M$

  • $\cal L$ - Aquatic mosquito ecology

The three core dynamical components were connected by two rigid interfaces, discussed at greater length below:

  • $\cal B$ - Blood Feeding

  • $\cal U$ - Egg laying and emergence

Exogenous forcing was implemented largely through a flexible set of processes that set the value of exogenous variables and functions to modify model parameters affecting endogenous dynamics.

Structural Elements

Each model has several parameters that describe the structure of a model:

  • Malaria Epidemiology or the model for infection dynamics and immunity in humans ($\cal X$) is specified by passing Xname – a string, corresponding to a model from the ramp.xds library, that specifies the model family for human infection dynamics that gets dispatched by the S3 function implementing $\cal X$ tasks.

  • How many host species are there? The number of distinct vertebrate host species (or types) in a model is pars$nHosts

    • The model for the human population for the ithi^{th} species is defined by pars$Xpar[[i]]

    • The demographic model for the ithi^{th} species is defined by pars$Hpar[[i]]

    • A vector passed at setup, HPop, defines the population density for the population strata of each vertebrate host species.

    • The length of HPop is used to set the value of nStrata

  • Mosquito Ecology has two parts:

    • The model family for adult mosquito infection dynamics and ecology is specified by MYZname – a string, corresponding to a model from the ramp.xds library, that specifies the model family for adult mosquitoes

    • The model family aquatic mosquito population dynamics is passed as Lname – a string, corresponding to a model from the ramp.xds library, that specifies the model family for aquatic mosquito population dynamics that should be used

  • How many vector species are there? The number of distinct mosquito vector species (or type) in a model is pars$nVectors Each vector species is defined by a two sets of parameters:

    • The model for the adult population for the sths^{th} species is defined by pars$MYZpar[[s]]

    • The model for the aquatic population for the sths^{th} species is defined by pars$Lpar[[s]]

  • Spatial dynamics are implemented through patch-based metapopulation models, where pars$nPatches is the number of distinct patches in a model.

  • Immature Mosquitoes are found in Aquatic Habitats. A parameter pars$nHabitats is the number of distinct aquatic habitats in a model. Additional information is needed to configure the model for egg laying (see below):

    • a membership vector is required: the ithi^{th} element of the membership matrix, $\cal N,$ identifies the patch to which it belongs.

    • a searchQ vector is required: the ithi^{th} element gives the habitat search weight to compute the egg laying matrix, $\cal U$


  • Models for human ecology and parasite / pathogen infection dynamics would appear in one dynamical component. The part that computes the dynamics of infection and immunity was called $\cal X$, and the part that describes human demography was called $\cal H.$ These two components can’t be separated in any easy way, so we call this chunk $\cal XH$.

    • The derivatives for a model of class $\cal X$ for the ithi^{th} species is computed by a S3 function dXdt(t, y, pars, i)

    • The updating function for a model of class $\cal X$ for the ithi^{th} species is computed by a S3 function DT_Xt(t, y, pars, i)

    • The parameters for the model are in an object called Xpar and dXdt dispatches on class(Xpar)

    • Since there could be multiple host species, Xpar for the ithi^{th} species is pars$Xpar[[i]].

    • The demographic model, $\cal H$, configured as a birth process, B(t)B(t), and a linear tranformation among strata (including mortality), dHdt(y, pars) called from dXdt

  • Models for adult mosquito ecology and parasite / pathogen infection dynamics would appear in a second dynamical component. The part that computes the dynamics of infection was called $\cal YZ$, and the part that computes mosquito population dynamics was called $\cal M$. These two components can’t be separated in any easy way, so we call this chunk $\cal MYZ$.

    • The derivatives for a model of this type are computed by a S3 function dMYZdt(t, y, pars, s) or dMdt(t, y, pars, s) for the sths^{th} vector species

    • The updating function for a model of class $\cal MYZ$ for the ithi^{th} species is computed by a S3 function DT_MYZt(t, y, pars, s)

    • The parameters for the model are in an object called MYZpar and dMYZdt and DT_MYZt dispatch on class(MYZpar)

    • Since there could be multiple host species, MYZpar for the ithi^{th} species is pars$MYZpar[[i]].

  • Models for aquatic mosquito ecology were called $\cal L$.

    • The derivatives for a model of this type are computed by a S3 function dLdt(t, y, pars, s) or DT_Lt(t, y, pars, s)

    • The updating function for a model of class $\cal MYZ$ for the ithi^{th} species is computed by a S3 function DT_MYZt(t, y, pars, s)

    • The parameters for the model are in an object called Lpar and dLdt and DT_Lt dispatch on class(Lpar)

    • Since there could be multiple host species, Lpar for the ithi^{th} species is pars$Lpar[[i]].


In developing a modular framework, we recognized the need to develop a rigorous yet flexible interface that would allow different dynamical components to interact.

To connect these two dynamical components, we developed two well-defined interfaces: blood feeding and egg laying.

Blood Feeding

A model for blood feeding and parasite / pathogen transmission by mosquitoes. This model should constrain mosquito blood feeding rates and the human fraction in sensible ways. It is possible to set the values of mosquito bionomic parameters to static values that are not constrained. In Spatial Dynamics of Malaria Transmission, we introduce a fully defined blood feeding module that constrains the blood feeding rate and the human fraction using the concept of resource availability.

If nPatches>1>1 or if nStrata>1>1, then it is necessary to supply some additional information to configure the mixing matrix, β\beta, which is attached as pars$beta[[i]][[s]] for the ithi^{th} host and sths^{th} vector species.

  • A time spent matrix must be configured for each host species

  • A vector of blood feeding search weights must be provided for each stratum, and for each species. The ithi^{th} element of the sths^{th} vector is used to compute its availability to hosts for blood feeding.

  • A circadian weighting function is required for each vector species, which is used to transform the ithi^{th} time spent matrix into a set of nVectors matrices describing time at risk.

  • A demographic matrix must be configured for each mosquito species that describes mosquito survival and dispersal in the patches.

Egg Laying

A description of the locations of aquatic habitats and a model for egg laying and emergence.

  • A membership vector must be provided: the ithi^{th} element is the index of the patch where the habitat is found

  • A search vector must be provided: the ithi^{th} element is the index of the patch where the habitat is found