The idea of developing modular software to simulate the dynamics and control of mosquito-borne pathogens originated sometime around 2009 at the Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida. It took much longer than anticipated to finish. Some concepts have appeared in various publications. Some of the algorithms trivial back to other software packages that were never launched, but that someday might yet be completed (e.g., MASH). In retrospect, a key challenge was blood feeding, but it was not the only one.






In this document, we let exDE

A major change was implemented in the way ramp.xde handles delay differential equations. New algorithms were added to Ross-Macdonald models that compute mosquito survival and dispersal through an incubation period varying in length.

  • Initsinitial values are now handled separately, with new functions get_inits() and the S3 families of functions get_inits_L() and get_inits_MYZ() and get_inits_X(). A new function update_inits() resets the initial values to the last value simulated.

  • Indexingindices for variables are now collected in pars$ix

  • Setup – Several new functions have been added to set up basic models.

  • Solving – The S3 function xds_solve() was added to solve differential equations of various classes.

  • Outputs – The S3 function parse_deout() was added to parse the output of deSolve and return the orbits in a set of named lists. These lists are attached to pars$outputs$orbits. New functions were also written to compute the dynamical terms that connect the major components.

  • Demography – Functionality has been added to handle human demographic changes, including births, deaths, migration, and aging.

  • Hosts – This version handles multiple vertebrate host or vector species.

  • Forcing – The models have been reconfigured to model malaria as a changing baseline that has been modified by vector control.



In modular computation with delay differential equations, it is often necessary to compute the value of a term at some lagged values. For example, in the Ross-Macdonald model:

Ẏ=fqκ(MY)gYŻ=fτqτκτ(MτYτ)egτgZ \begin{array}{rl} \dot Y &= fq \kappa (M-Y) - g Y \\ \dot Z &= f_\tau q_\tau \kappa_\tau (M_\tau-Y_\tau) e^{-g\tau} - g Z \end{array} the values of the variables at time tτt-\tau can be retrieved using lagvalue, but the term κ(tτ)\kappa(t-\tau) is computed outside of dMYZdt and passed as an argument. To handle this in Version 1.0, the function that computed κ\kappa dispatched on the type of dMYZdt so that it would pass two values: (κ(t),κ(tτ).(\kappa(t), \kappa(t-\tau).

Handling delays in general posed a far greater challenge in models with exogenous forcing. Consider, for example, models where blood feeding depends on resource availability, and resources vary with time: we would need to compute the blood feeding parameters in relation to blood host availability and vector control (with effect sizes ϵ*\epsilon_*):

f(tτ)=Ff(B(tτ))ϵf(ϕ(tτ))f(t-\tau)= F_f(B(t-\tau)) \epsilon_f(\phi(t-\tau)) and q(tτ)=Fq(W(tτ),B(tτ))ϵq(ϕ(tτ)).q(t-\tau)=F_q(W(t-\tau), B(t-\tau)) \epsilon_q(\phi(t-\tau)). The software design challenge was daunting, and it would have become difficult to manage if this dispatching had fully propagated.

The decision to internalize computation of lagged values was consistent with the overall plug-and-play design principle, and it would almost certainly lower the burden for developers wanting to add new models.


A change was made to internalize compuation of lagged values for terms. For terms that depend on variables or processes outside of a dynamical component and whose value must be known at some lagged value in the past, generically denoted k(t)k(t), we create a new variable K(t)K(t), and such that dK/dt=k.dK/dt = k. We add this variable to the the derivatives function, and index the new dummy variable KK as if it were a model variable. The value of k(tτ)k(t-\tau) can be computed using deSolve::lagderiv

For an example, see the implementation in the function dMYZdt.RM

Initial Values


In version 1.0, the initial values were stored with the parameters in pars$MYZpar or pars$Lpar or pars$Xpar


In version 2.0, initial values are found in pars$MYZinits or pars$Linits or pars$Xinits

  • A function get_inits() returns a vector of initial values


  • MYZinits is a list()

    • MYZinits[[1]] has initial values for the 1st1^{st} species

    • MYZinits[[2]] has initial values for the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the sths^{th} species where s=s =nVectors

  • Linits is a list()

    • Linits[[1]] has initial values for the 1st1^{st} species

    • Linits[[2]] has initial values for the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the sths^{th} species where s=s =nVectors

  • Xinits is a list()

    • Xinits[[1]] has initial values for the 1st1^{st} species

    • Xinits[[2]] has initial values for the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the ithi^{th} species where i=i =nHosts



In version 1.0, the indices were attached to pars

  • MYZ_ix for the 1st1^{st} species

  • L_ix for the 1st1^{st} species

  • X_ix for the 1st1^{st} species


In version 2.0, indices are stored as named lists under pars$ix

  • MYZ_ix is a list()

    • MYZ[[1]] has indices for the 1st1^{st} species

    • MYZ[[2]] has indices for the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the sths^{th} species where s=s =nVectors

  • L_ix is a list()

    • L[[1]] has indices for the 1st1^{st} species

    • L[[2]] has indices for the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the sths^{th} species where s=s =nVectors

  • X_ix is a list()

    • X[[1]] has indices for the 1st1^{st} species

    • X[[2]] has indices for the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the ithi^{th} species where i=i =nHosts


ramp.xde Version 2.0 adds a new class of functions, called xde_setup that streamline model setup for all models. As we added new features to handle malaria control and exogenous forcing, the burden of managing

Easy setup relies on several new functions:

  • make_parameters_xde (in utils.R) creates a new list that sets up an empty model.


  • setup_MYZpar sets up and returns a MYZpar object.

  • setup_Lpar sets up and returns a Lpar object

  • setup_Xpar sets up and returns a Xpar object

Initial Values

  • setup_MYZinits sets up and returns a MYZinits object

  • setup_Linits sets up and returns a Linits object

  • setup_Xinits sets up and returns a Xinits object



Version 2.0 parses outputs and includes functions for basic plotting.

  • parse_deout and related functions parse the output of deSolve() and attach the values of the variables by name to a list called pars$outputs

    • for ordinary solving, the outputs are attached to pars$outputs$orbits

    • for steady states, the outputs are attached to pars$outputs$stable_orbits



Models with multiple vector species or multiple host species are now handled.

  1. There are two new structural parameters:

    • nVectors is the number of vector species;

    • nHosts is the number of vertebrate host species;

  2. Parameters - Mutiple-species required making changes to the way MYZpar and Lpar and Xpar were configured

  3. Transmission - Mutiple-species required making changes to the way beta and kappa and EIR and FoI were handled.

  4. Egg Laying - Mutiple-species required making changes to the way egg-laying was handled.


In version 1.0, the default object had one vertebrate host and one vector species


  • MYZpar for the 1st1^{st} species

  • Lpar for the 1st1^{st} species

  • Xpar for the 1st1^{st} species


In version 2.0, the default object has changed the location of major objects:


  • MYZpar is a list()

    • MYZpar[[1]] is the 1st1^{st} species

    • MYZpar[[2]] is the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the sths^{th} species where s=s =nVectors

  • Lpar is a list()

    • Lpar[[1]] is the 1st1^{st} species

    • Lpar[[2]] is the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the sths^{th} species where s=s =nVectors

  • Xpar is a list()

    • Xpar[[1]] is the 1st1^{st} species

    • Xpar[[2]] is the 2nd2^{nd} species

    • … up to the ithi^{th} species where i=i =nHosts



ramp.xds was designed to replace exDE and MicroMoB, which were originally designed by Sean L. Wu and Professor David L. Smith. David L Smith developed the prototypes. Sean L. Wu wrote the first versions of the R-packages. Development of exDE continued. The name exDE was changed to ramp.xds where development continued. A stable version of exDE was restored. Functionality for discrete time systems was added to ramp.xds in the spring of 2024. A name change to ramp.xds is planned.