Make parameters for workhorse human model, with defaults
Xopts = list(),
tau = 12,
b = 0.55,
r = 1/200,
sigma = 1/30,
phi = 1/10,
c1 = 0.3,
c2 = 0.1,
c3 = 0.03,
c4 = 0.01,
cG = 0.15,
xi_1 = 1/20,
xi_2 = 1/40,
xi_3 = 1/80,
zeta_U = 1/365,
zeta_A = 1/100,
zeta_1 = 1/100,
zeta_2 = 1/180,
zeta_3 = 1/180,
zeta_4 = 1/365
the number of population strata
a [list] that could overwrite defaults
the incubation period
the probability of infection, per infectious bite
the clearance rate
the rate individuals lose chemoprotection
the rate of transition from the acute to the chronic phase
the probability of infecting a mosquito, stage 1
the probability of infecting a mosquito, stage 2
the probability of infecting a mosquito, stage 3
the probability of infecting a mosquito, stage 4
the probability of infecting a mosquito, prophylaxed
the rate of transition from stage 1 to stage 2
the rate of transition from stage 2 to stage 3
the rate of transition from stage 3 to stage 4
the treatment rate for uninfected individuals
the treatment rate for acutely infected individuals
the treatment rate for stage 1
the treatment rate for stage 2
the treatment rate for stage 3
the treatment rate for stage 4
a [list]