Make initial values for the workhorse human model, with defaults
Xopts = list(),
H0 = NULL,
U = 180,
A0 = 13,
P = 11,
G = 3,
I1 = 20,
I2 = 40,
I3 = 80,
I4 = 100,
A1 = 2,
A2 = 4,
A3 = 8,
A4 = 12,
w = 0
the number of strata in the model
a [list] to overwrite defaults
the initial population size
the initial number uninfected
the initial number in U and A
the initial number chemoprotected and not infectious
the initial number chemoprotected and infectious
the initial number with the youngest chronic phase infection in stage 1
the initial number with the youngest chronic phase infection in stage 2
the initial number with the youngest chronic phase infection in stage 3
the initial number with the youngest chronic phase infection in stage $
the initial number in I1 and A
the initial number in I2 and A
the initial number in I3 and A
the initial number in I4 and A
exposure tracking variable
a [list]