Load the required packages:
An important question in malaria is the relationship between various metrics, especially the relationship between the annual entomological inoculation rate (aEIR) and the parasite rate (PR). To facilitate analysis of malaria data, we have developed some functions to compute scaling relationships.
The function xde_scaling()
defines the relationship
between the EIR and the PR. It analyzes stable orbits and outputs the
average annual EIR and average annual PR for an even mesh of
values running from
up to
The code is in mob_library/Work
To illustrate, we pick a function describing a seasonal pattern using
tt <- seq(0, 730, by=5)
p1 <- makepar_F_sin(floor=0.1)
Fsin <- make_function(p1)
plot(tt, Fsin(tt), type="l")
Next, we set up a cohort model:
xds_setup_cohort(Xname = "SIS", F_season=Fsin) -> sis
xds_solve_cohort(sis) -> sis
The function xde_scaling_eir
runs the model over a mesh
of N=25
xde_scaling_eir(sis, 25) -> sis
The results are attached as sis$outputs$eirpr
## Loading required package: viridis
## Loading required package: viridisLite
clrs = turbo(25)
points(aeir, pr, col = clrs)
lines(scaling[[5]]$aeir, scaling[[5]]$pr, col = clrs[5])
lines(scaling[[10]]$aeir, scaling[[10]]$pr, col = clrs[10])
lines(scaling[[15]]$aeir, scaling[[15]]$pr, col = clrs[15])
lines(scaling[[20]]$aeir, scaling[[20]]$pr, col = clrs[20])
Since xde_scaling
defines the relationship between the
EIR and the PR, we can now run xde_pr2eir()
to get the
predicted value of the eir, for any given value of the pr. The code is
in mob_library/Work
We can run this for 50 randomly chosen values of the PfPR.
preir_i = xde_pr2eir(c(0.001, runif(25, 0, 1), 0.999), sis)
The function flags any values that are outside of the acceptable range. This may not seem important for the SIS model, but the range of other models can be bounded, so we don’t want to return nonsense values.
## pr1 pr2 pr3
## 0.001000000 0.007399441 0.999000000
We can plot the others:
with(sis$outputs$eirpr, points(aeir, pr, pch = 15))
with(preir_i, points(365*eir, pr, pch = 19, col = "red"))