Age of the Youngest Infection (AoY)
We want to derive a random variable describing the age of the youngest infection (AoY). The derivations are presented below:
We compute the distribution function first:
\[F_Y(a) \sim \frac{1-e^{-m_\tau(a)F_A(\alpha, a,\tau)}}{1-e^{-m_\tau(a)}} = \frac{1-e^{-m_\tau(a)F_A(\alpha, a,\tau)}}{p_\tau(a)} \]
We differentiate to get a formula for the density function:
\[Y_\tau(a) \sim f_Y(\alpha; a, \tau) = f_A(\alpha, a,\tau) e^{-m_\tau(a) F_A(\alpha, a,\tau)} \frac{m_\tau(a)}{p_\tau(a)}\]
The mean AoY is:
\[\left< Y_\tau(a) \right> = \int_0^a \alpha \; f_Y(\alpha, a, \tau) \; d\alpha \]
And the higher order moments for the AoY are:
\[\left< Y_\tau(a)^n \right> = \int_0^n \alpha^n \; f_y(\alpha, a, \tau) \; d\alpha \]
aa = seq(5, 5*365, by = 5)
moment1y = momentAoY(aa, foiP3)
moment2y = momentAoY(aa, foiP3, n=2)
moment3y = momentAoY(aa, foiP3, n=3)
The first three moments of the AoY plotted over time. In the top plot, we’ve also plotted the \(n^{th}\) root of the \(n^{th}\) moment.
par(mfrow = c(4,1), mar = c(0.5, 4, 0.5, 2))
plot(aa, moment1y, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = expression(E(Y)), lwd=2, xaxt="n", ylim = range((moment3y)^(1/3)) )
lines(aa, sqrt(moment2y), col = "darkgreen")
lines(aa, (moment3y)^(1/3), col = "purple")
plot(aa, moment2y, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = expression(E(Y^2)), lwd=2, xaxt="n", col = "darkgreen")
plot(aa, moment3y, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = expression(E(Y^2)), lwd=2, col = "purple")
mtext("Age (in Days)", 1, 3)
First, we note that the CDF for the minimum of \(n\) random values of AoI in some cohort is:
\[1-(1-F_A(\alpha,a,\tau))^n\] Using this, we can compute the CDF for the full distribution of AoY across the population:
\[F_Y(\alpha, a, \tau) = \frac{1}{p_\tau(a)} \sum_{\zeta>0} \mbox{dpois}\left(\zeta,m_\tau(a)\right) \left( 1-(1-F_A(\alpha,a,\tau))^\zeta \right)\]
or rewriting slightly:
\[F_Y(\alpha, a, \tau) p_\tau(a) = \sum_{\zeta>0} \frac{m_\tau(a)^\zeta}{\zeta!} e^{-m_\tau(a)} \left(1- \left(1-F_A \left(\alpha,a, \tau\right)\right)^\zeta\right)\]
pulling out \(e^{-m_\tau(a)}\) and recombining terms, we get:
\[F_Y (\alpha, a, \tau) p_\tau(a)= p_\tau(a) - e^{-m_\tau(a)} \sum_{\zeta>0} \frac{ \left[m_\tau(a) \left(1-F_A \left(\alpha,a, \tau\right)\right)\right]^\zeta}{\zeta!}\] if the sum were from \(\zeta=0\ldots\infty,\) the expression on the inside would be simple, but the sum is for \(M>0\), so we add the term for \(M=0\) into the sum, subtract it outside:
\[F_Y(\alpha, a,\tau) p_\tau(a) = p_\tau(a) - e^{-m_\tau(a)} \left(-1+ \sum_{\zeta>=0} \frac{ \left[m_\tau(a) \left(1-F_A \left(\alpha,a\right)\right)\right]^\zeta}{\zeta!} \right)\]
but \(e^{-m_\tau(a)} = 1-p_\tau(a)\) and the infinite sum is simply an exponential, so:
\[F_Y(\alpha, a, \tau) p_\tau(a) = p_\tau(a) + 1-p_\tau(a) - e^{-m_\tau(a)} e^{m_\tau(a) (1-F_A(\alpha, a, \tau))} \] so
\[F_Y(\alpha, a,\tau) p_\tau(a) = 1-e^{-m_\tau(a)F_a(\alpha, a)}\]
\[F_Y(\alpha, a,\tau) = \frac{1-e^{-m_\tau(a)F_A(\alpha, a,\tau)}}{p_\tau(a)}.\]
The PDF for the AoY is found by taking the derivative of \(F_Y\):
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} Y \sim f_Y(\alpha, a, \tau) & = & \frac{d F_Y(\alpha, a,\tau)}{d\alpha} \\ &=& \; f_A(\alpha, a) e^{-m_\tau(a) F_A(\alpha, a,\tau)} \frac{\textstyle{m_\tau(a)}}{\textstyle{p_\tau(a)}}\\ \end{array} \]