Age of Infection
Since \(A_\tau(a)\) is a density function and \(m_\tau(a)\) its mass, a PDF for the age of infection is:
\[ A_\tau(a) \sim f_A(\alpha; a, \tau) = \frac{z_\tau(\alpha,a)}{m_\tau(a)} \]
The CDF for \(A_\tau(a)\) is:
\[ F_A(a) \sim \int_0^\alpha f_A(\alpha; a, \tau) d\alpha \]
Functions in pf.memory
compute the density, distribution
and random generation for the distribution of \(A_\tau(a)\) for any integrable function
The Density Function
The following shows what the distribution of the AoI looks like in a cohort of age 2.
plot(a2years, dAoI(a2years, max(a2years), foiP3), type ="l", xlab = "Parasite Age", ylab = expression(F[A](alpha, a, tau)), ylim = c(0,0.009))
Here, we plot the same distributions for 12 cohorts at age 2, each born one month apart.
The Distribution Function
Random Numbers
Let \(x\) denote the first moment of of \(A_\tau(a)\): \[x_\tau(a) = \left< A_\tau(a) \right> = \int_0^\infty \alpha \frac{z_\tau(\alpha, a)} {m_\tau(a)}\]
Similarly, we let \(x_\tau(a)[n]\) denote the higher order moments of \(A_\tau(a)\): \[x_{n}(a, \tau) = \int_0^\infty \alpha^n \frac{z_\tau(\alpha, a)} {m_\tau(a)}\]
aa = seq(1, 5*365, by = 5)
moment1 = momentAoI(aa, foiP3)
moment2 = momentAoI(aa, foiP3, n=2)
moment3 = momentAoI(aa, foiP3, n=3)
The first three moments of the AoY plotted over time. In the top plot, we’ve also plotted the \(n^{th}\) root of the \(n^{th}\) moment.
par(mfrow = c(3,1), mar = c(0.5, 4, 0.5, 2))
plot(aa, moment1, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = expression(E(A)), lwd=2, xaxt="n", ylim = range((moment3)^(1/3)) )
lines(aa, sqrt(moment2), col = "darkgreen")
lines(aa, (moment3)^(1/3), col = "purple")
plot(aa, moment2, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = expression(E(A^2)), lwd=2, xaxt="n", col = "darkgreen")
plot(aa, moment3, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = expression(E(A^2)), lwd=2, col = "purple")
mtext("Age (in Days)", 1, 3)