HARP \(\leftrightarrow\) HUB

Look and Feel

  • The html pages are generated from R Markdown documents: pagename.html is generated by pagename.Rmd

  • The banner at the top should include links to the HARP landing page, the navigation HUB, and (possibly) other closely related pages.

  • The sections use tabset to make the material easy to access. Please use the command {.tabset .tabset-fade .tabset-pills}

  • The sandstone theme is used throughout.

Writing Style

  • HARP is a good place to introduce hard concepts in plain language. We hope to emulate the writing style of Numerical Recipes in C. In the preface to the \(2^{nd}\) edition, the authors described their style in the \(1^{st}\) edition as ``…informal, fearlessly editorial, unesoteric, and above all useful.’’

  • The intent of HARP is to introduce complex concepts, so please keep it short and aim for one of the following:

    • lecture notes

    • a user’s guide

    • a vignettes that teach a single concept

    • insightful commentary

  • If a document is getting too long and complex, consider splitting it up.

  • Publish the long version, write the short version here, and add citations. In general, we don’t want long essays or drafts.

  • We think academic journals are the best place to put complex analyses, or discussions of highly technical material. Any new methods and new concepts should go through peer review.

  • Please use the functionality to embed instructive R-code:

x = seq(-3, 3, length.out=200)
plot(x, x^2-4, type = "l", ylab = expression(x^2-4))
segments(-3, 0, 3, 0, col = grey(0.8))


  • References are strongly encouraged. The bibliography is refs.bib using the plos citation style. To add a citiation, use [@cite-key].

  • If there are any references, the last tab should be called Refs. For example, [@WernsdorferWH1988MalariaPrinciples] is a citation to Malaria: Principles and Practice of Malariology [1].

  • If you want to cite something but you can’t find it in refs.bib, tell Dave it’s missing and send a link.


Wernsdorfer WH, McGregor IA, editors. Malaria: Principles and Practice of Malariology. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1988. Available: http://www.worldcat.org/title/malaria-principles-and-practice-of-malariology/oclc/15793746